Gun Type: Big Guns

FN – FNC .223

FN – FNC .223 in Like-New condition. Has safe-semi-burst and full-auto and gun professionally re-marked. Comes with 3 mags.


C & R BAR by New England Small Arms Co. This all-original gun is excellent overall and shows no use. Has proper government inspectors marks. Outstanding gun.

FN – FNC .223 Carbine

FN – FNC .223 Carbine in Excellent condition with 3-round burst and folding stock.

Colt BAR

Colt BAR in Excellent condition with original finish complete and original. Bore and wood are excellent. One minor grain crack shown on right side. Rare C & R gun.

FN-FNC .223

FN-FNC .223 in Excellent condition with 3-round burst.